1. Students are expected to be to class on time. They should be
seated when the bell rings with their homework and textbook on their desk.
2. It is required that all students bring to class the necessary materials.
(i.e. textbook, notebook, handouts, homework, etc.)
3. Homework is assigned nightly. It is either written work or study.
It is important that you complete your homework assignments because homework reinforces the materials presented in class.
4. Cheating is not tolerated at Stoughton High School and will result in the
grade of a zero.
5. It is essential that students actively particpate durning class.
They should take notes, answer questions and contribute to classroom discussions in an appropriate manner.
6. Students will show respect towards teachers, administrators and fellow
students at all times. Failure to do so will result in a session.
7. Passes will only be given in the event of an extreme emergency.
Emergencies do not arise on a daily basis.
8. Extra help is available before and after school:
Monday - Thursday, 2:15 - 2:45 pm and by appointment.
9. Work due to absense should be made up within the time allocated by
Stoughton High School. Work not made up in that time frame will result in the grade of a zero.